We design, teach, and Build in Nature’s Image™ making use of our deep experience in the design sciences of biomimicry, resilience science & theory, and building science. We are first & foremost a builder of sustainable, innovative projects. We also provide
- building science & innovative design support
- sustainable construction verification and green building certification services (LEED for Homes Green Rater, LEED for Homes Mid-Rise Multi-Family, ICC 700-2012 Green Verifier & certified HERS Rater services)
- resilience design for buildings and cities
- ecosystem scale biomimicry and life-inspired, place-based design
- building deconstruction advising and program development and management services
We also support complex, strategic sustainability initiatives & solutions at city scales. Innovative scientific ecological knowledge (SEK) and the adaptive memory and wisdom of traditional ecological knowledge (TEK) inspire our work.
Our homes and cities are part of nature. To recognize that we and what we build, collectively, are key elements of living systems is to accept certain irrevocable, inviolate, and non-negotiable laws, codes and standards apply to all that we design and build. Deeper than human building codes are absolute laws relating to energy, survival and health, and our adaptive capacity and well-being and that of our children.
These inviolate laws can be expressed in science-based ways or as traditional adaptive wisdom. Ultimately, our process of design support, construction, teaching and support of strategic and complex sustainability initiatives is a deliberation for the Seventh Generation to follow.
Please contact Josh to learn more.